1988-up Wide Glide
Conversion Kit fits XL mod-
els with 39mm tubes and sin-
gle 11.5" disc and 3/4" axle.
Include tree set, axle, spacers,
lower tree cover and related
hardware. Both kits use 1984-
99 type front rotors.
VT No. Fits
*Note: 2004-up models
require purchase of caliper &
require the purchase of 84-99
style rotor.
39mm WG Conversion Kits
Narrow Glide Conversion Kit to fit FXD-XL 39mm models
includes upper and lower triple trees, stem, stem nut, fork
stops, axle, axle spacers and fender spacers. For use with
1984-99 FXST/FXDWG 41mm fork leg assemblies and 1984-
99 narrow glide 19" or 21" wheel assembly with aluminum hub
and front fender. Accepts OEM 11.5" rotor and caliper (custom
brakes may cause interference with laced wheels). Measures
1 6
" between fender mounts. For front wheel speedometer
operation, replace left side axle spacer with speedo drive unit,
VT No. Item
Fork Stop Tabs fit 24-0958 fork tree set.
VT No. Year
stock leg assembly and
Narrow Glide
Conversion Kit
allows use of 41mm
leg assembly, 1984-
99 style and utilizes
the original FXD or
XL 19" or 21"
wheels, and the
caliper and rotor
from the original
motorcycle. 24-
0958 is shown with
stock leg assembly
39mm to 41mm Conversion Kit
41 mm Narrow Glide will replace 39 mm assembly on XL models. Use with original wheel and brake
assembly from 1984-03. Wheel not included.
VT No. Item
41mm Narrow Glide