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Books & Manuals
Spare Parts Books provide detailed exploded views and OEM
factory numbers for specific models. Parts Books provide OEM
numbers with exploded views to help identify exact parts
required for each year application and range of fitment for each
of those parts
VT No. Years/Model
48-0336 1913-21 Twins
48-0323 1936-48 Knuckle & Flat BT
48-0309 1941-54 74-80, 45 Servi
48-0314 1949-57 Pan
48-0313 1958-68 BT
48-0306 1954-65 K-XLH-XLCH
48-0304 1940-52 45 Solo
48-0319 1958-73 Servi Car
Cross Index cross references old 6 digit factory
part numbers with new 7 number listing. Helps
reference obsolete numbers in old parts books,
53 pages.
VT No. 48-0331
Service Manuals for years listed.
VT No. Years Model
48-0310 1940-58 45 Models Solo
48-1564 1959-73 Servi-Car
48-0299 1929-52 45 Engine Only
48-0308 1940-47 Knuckle + 74 & 80 Flathead
48-0316 1940-47 Big Twin, Knuck
48-0307 1948-57 Panhead, Rigid
48-1718 1959-69 Pan-Shovel
48-0692 1970-E78Shovel
Mechanics and Owners Guide for 1941-1959
Harley-Davidson OHV Big Twins by Kirk
Perry, 300 pages of drawings, photos and tips.
VT No. 48-1958
Factory Service Bulletins. �Shop Dope" is a compilation of
service tips from factory to dealers for years listed. Great for
trouble shooting. Bound.
VT No. Year (Volume)
48-0311 1930-40 Twins (2)
48-0305 1941-56 Twins (3)
Clymer Manuals.
VT No. Year
48-1706 1948-65 Pan
48-1707 1959-85 Shovel
How To Restore Your H-D. 640 pages.
VT No. 48-1738
V-Tw in
OEM Cross Reference Guide with
cross factory number to V-Twin Numbers on
over 20,000 items.
VT No. 48-0011
The Most Comprehensive in the
Aftermarket Industry!
Chrome Display Stand shows off �Dresser� on stand by stand-
ing upright, also able to check fluid levels.
Tucks under floor boards when not in use.
VT No. Fits
16-1511 1970-79 FLH
16-1600 1997-up FLT
16-1101 As Above Chrome
16-1600 Installed
Installed on
Bagger Products